Friday, December 31, 2021

(not finished yet)


Artist Bette of

Artgirl's Daydream Brushworks

Bette Shaw* Copyright* 2021* 

All rights reserved

Wednesday, December 29, 2021



Yes! This painting was after I "got home" from a little side trip! Well, you see, if you read my post on avoidance you saw I took a little side trip into abstract! The funny thing is, like often happens, I found my way home!

Not only that but found myself in a better place than before I left! Yes! Adding some new techniques to my repertoire has been such a joy and a blessing. To combine the two, abstract and realism has been so fun! Getting back to my "flower garden" has been too.

This one, created in alcohol inks and acrylics really made such a great combination to then highlight in white. Oh yes, there was a challenge when I began but as always, it all works out~the metaphor for life.

Learning to honor the process and stand in the knowledge that it will all be great if I want has been learning but I am quick to stop that shop talk when it begins! Hooray!

I hope you love it too!

If you would love to own it you can purchase it here.

Or click the painting if you literally want to grab it up!
It is $ 288. plus shipping

 14 x 18 inches

 Bette Shaw of 
Artgirl's Daydream Brushworks

Bette Shaw* Copyright* 2021* all rights reserved

Saturday, July 17, 2021


Hello, honey bunnies! This gal mustered up some energy today to paint. Strange? Yes, you might think that knowing me as you do!

But it’s true at the zoo! 😂🤣😂
When it comes to painting it doesn’t usually call for me to muster up or have energy! I don’t need to possess creativity or wait for inspiration!

Okay so back up a bit, my energy is lagging. It’s a good thing given the alternatives!

You see, once again, I’ve been bitten and not smitten and it was not love at first sight or bite. It was an ugly tick who got me!
I wasn’t in love with the idea of having Lyme disease again ( yep) but I AM in love with healing.
No worries at all! I’m in good hands right now.... God’s, mine, some special family members, and my amazing friends!

I won’t be wiped out this time! I got it early
and began my high-power protocol! Zap and boom it will be gone!

So back to my painting (you see below).
I wasn’t inspired nor had a plan. Technique? Nope! I just showed up to play like a child!

This is what happened. Is it done? I don’t know. What is it? I don’t know! I did feel a twinge to call it Lyme. That spoke to me.

Some twist on that title will arrive if it wants to.
I’m excited to watch it transform as it dries and see where it wants to go next.

This uncharted path I took to create this was wonderful and it’s repeatable of sorts, a million times with so many different colors and that many beautiful outcomes!

No rules or techniques remember?
I’ve been inviting some here to come to play, and some to catch me up on your life!
If you'd love it I would too. Just ask!
I’ll keep you posted on what happens with this baby!

P.s. are you waiting to muster creativity or inspiration? Wait for no mo! 🥳🎉

Tuesday, June 8, 2021



Really? Yes! Painting is awesome and while it is great to paint with myself, it is also wonderful to bring others on board who want to learn to paint. 

Right now though it will be "tea for two."

Yes, I am looking for one person to come under my mentorship to enjoy painting, practice, and get a feel for the way art goes. The freedom you will experience in disappearing the idea that " I am not good enough" to be an artist is mind-blowing.

I am interviewing right now to see who would be a great fit to work with me in redefining art for you and enjoying the artistic process.

You will come out of it with paintings that you love and can send to friends as gifts or put up in your own living room? Yes!

No worries about supplies as they are easily accessible online and shipped to your home, no in-person stuff required. Yes, we meet on zoom so we are together but not worried about germs.

Note; I mentor you in creating art YOUR WAY!

If this is you just message me and we can talk! How cool is this? YAY!

Much love and happy creating!


Artist Bette of

Artgirl's Daydream Brushworks

Bette Shaw* Copyright* 2022 * 

All rights reserved

Wednesday, June 2, 2021


                                             SPLISH SPLASH



This was born from a wonderful application of a special mixture of paint and techniques to move it around in such a way that it creates beauty. Adding more color and splashes and voila!

Some say they see a pink panther while others see something else.

I definitely see prehistorical characters at the playground. Lemons, avocados or you call it what you may! I love this beauty and hope you do too! EnJOY!

If you would love these in your home simply click here.

$399. USD plus shipping

Or click on the painting

I am sure you will enjoy these in your home as much as I have loved having them here for this short time.

Bette Shaw of

Artgirl's Daydream Brushworks

Bette Shaw*copyright 2021*all rights reserved


Mexican Morning Garden

I have always loved the colors of other countries! The boldness in their dress and dishes as well as their homes. Not having actually been there one can only imitate what has been seen in photos!

This was a fun journey as if I was painting fringes on garments or decorating walls. How awesome would that be to paint a mural in Columbia, Costa Rica, or Mexico? WOW!

For now, this will have to do! hahah

If you enjoy this and would love to have it you can purchase it here
or click on the painting.

8  x 10 

Have a beautiful day!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021



This! Do you love pansies? I sure do! What I love about them is that they each appear to have little faces. Not only that but they have such happy faces! Combining this with dragonflies and happy words just made my heart soar.

Can you imagine seeing this lovely painting in your home? Who would not just melt every time they walk by it? Dance, sing, play, dream, and of course, the "love notes" are all so happy.

This was so fun and I hope you enjoy it too!

If you would love it you can purchase it here

Or click the painting!

                                                  $399.00 plus shipping


Artist Bette Shaw of

Artgirl's Daydream Brushworks

Copyright*2021* all rights reserved

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


Did you ever avoid yourself? I mean like avoid your own gifts, talents, and abilities? As if, maybe of you stepped into them a bomb would go off or something worse like you might keel over?

I would guess that you have! Well, this is because I have seen it. People being afraid of themselves, their own shadow. It stems from "not good enough" even though that story is all made up like Winnie the Pooh.

How else do I know?

Because I have been doing it! Uggha

Yes, I have been dabbling in abstract, never having done it before and frankly, I thought it was those who did not know how to create real art. Silly me, art is art and abstract takes more than one would think as they look at it.

My avoidance?

Avoiding my style, the beautiful art I used to create! Now, do NOT get me wrong. Art s like life and EVERY part of the journey is the journey. In art, there is no wrong or right way. However, when we think for a little bit that we somehow LOST it, that gift we had, we might avoid going there.

Yep, you guessed it! This is what I was doing. Worse yet, I did a few times, compare my art to another. That is a losing game at the paint store door.




p.s. I am AVOIDING THIS TREE! It scares me lol Actually I began this and haven't got back there yet!

Artist Bette Shaw

of Artgirl's Daydream Brushworks

Bette Shaw * Copyright 2021* all rights reserved