Saturday, July 17, 2021


Hello, honey bunnies! This gal mustered up some energy today to paint. Strange? Yes, you might think that knowing me as you do!

But it’s true at the zoo! 😂🤣😂
When it comes to painting it doesn’t usually call for me to muster up or have energy! I don’t need to possess creativity or wait for inspiration!

Okay so back up a bit, my energy is lagging. It’s a good thing given the alternatives!

You see, once again, I’ve been bitten and not smitten and it was not love at first sight or bite. It was an ugly tick who got me!
I wasn’t in love with the idea of having Lyme disease again ( yep) but I AM in love with healing.
No worries at all! I’m in good hands right now.... God’s, mine, some special family members, and my amazing friends!

I won’t be wiped out this time! I got it early
and began my high-power protocol! Zap and boom it will be gone!

So back to my painting (you see below).
I wasn’t inspired nor had a plan. Technique? Nope! I just showed up to play like a child!

This is what happened. Is it done? I don’t know. What is it? I don’t know! I did feel a twinge to call it Lyme. That spoke to me.

Some twist on that title will arrive if it wants to.
I’m excited to watch it transform as it dries and see where it wants to go next.

This uncharted path I took to create this was wonderful and it’s repeatable of sorts, a million times with so many different colors and that many beautiful outcomes!

No rules or techniques remember?
I’ve been inviting some here to come to play, and some to catch me up on your life!
If you'd love it I would too. Just ask!
I’ll keep you posted on what happens with this baby!

P.s. are you waiting to muster creativity or inspiration? Wait for no mo! 🥳🎉